PLA and Sambazon

이미지 2020. 7. 31. 16:54

Did you know that Sambazon uses an environmentally friendly compostable plastic called Ingeo PLA, manufactured by @worldcentric, at our cafés and food truck? Our bowls may look and feel like plastic, but they’re actually made from plants (mainly corn

) instead of petrochemicals from fossil fuels. Their production uses 52% less energy and produces 80% less greenhouse gas emissions than traditional petroleum-based resin serving cups or bowls.

As a triple-bottom-line company, our focus on sustainability initiatives drives the work we do from operations, product production and packaging, to farming, and the social impact work we do. We couldn’t be more proud to serve you our delicious and nutritious Sambazon Açaí in Ingeo PLA bowls!

To learn more about Ingeo PLA and how/why Sambazon uses this compostable plastic, check out our blog post. Link here:

출처 : facebook sambazon


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posted by 즐겁게.건강하게.풍요롭게